Thursday, May 10, 2007

Brand Me

Perusing this month's Domino I saw an article about these gals and was instantly intrigued with the idea of what they do. In a nutshell, they interview you for one hour and then they give you your own brand concept. It's a two word tag in an 80/20 format--meaning you are 80% the first word/concept and 20% the second one. Examples: Creative Natural, Classic Genuine.

All of this of course leads to the big question--what's my brand? Am I Passionate Kooky? Chic Comfort? Suburban Lassitude?

I am so incredibly tempted to try them out. With a house to decorate and a major birthday milestone to face down, I think this could be an incredible help. Anyone want to try their hand at it and save me $500?

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