Monday, February 04, 2008

Let's See if I Can Remember How to Do This

I got a friendly little grey nudge to get back over here and post something. So here I am. It feels a lot like dropping my journal for months then sauntering back, trying to act casual and make up for lost time. Or what I do to my good buddy Sara frequently--daily emails then I vanish in a puff of smoke for days on end.

Now, where were we? We've moved--had we moved last I was here? (I should read my own blog). We are farther South by a little and comfier by a lot. The kids are squared away school-wise. The house is coming along decorating-wise (albeit slowly). I am still fairly lazy and accomplish much less than I should.

I just poked my head over to my last post--duh. So, the house is done. It's beautiful and we're very happy with it. We are now trying (not always successfully) to keep the kids from destroying it. The X-Man ended up in our local public school and it looks like the best fit all around for him. We are thrilled--love his teacher, love the principal. The other families are great, the vibe is relaxed but involved. Missy Z is in a co-op. I never in a million thought I'd be a co-op mom, but it's not so crunchy it sticks in my teeth and she's very happy there.

I'll break it there and try not to let this poor blog languish again.