Thursday, March 15, 2007

Just So You Know

There are a few things I'm pretty good at: cooking, knitting, theme parties, Cajun/Zydeco dancing (I am, in fact, a kick ass Cajun/Zydeco dancer), reading aloud.

There are a lot of things I'm not good at at all. Among them: sewing, gardening, packaging items to mail (if this weren't true, I might try my hand at Ebay selling).

And at the tippy top of that bottom list should be: anything related to computers.

So the fact that I have a blog at all is sort of astonishing. What's not surprising is that I can't figure out how to do a lot yet. So whatever is lame here, attribute it to the fact that I grew up without a computer and haven't caught up yet.

Related to this: the Mr. has taken to doing Sudoku puzzles in the evenings. We have a long tradition of working crossword puzzles together (we're about a SF Chronicle Thursday over dinner out). So I thought maybe the Sudoku would be fun. The Mr. started to explain it to me. After the second time he mentioned "there's a series of numbers . . ." my brain completely glazed over. So add that to my "not so good at" list too.

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