Sunday, March 18, 2007

N.B.--Don't Salute My Meatball

Sunday night is always spaghetti & meatballs chez Poppy. Tonight I had no meatballs. As I was plating the food (and X was waiting to "table" it--a job he relishes) he looked sadly at his plate of pasta & sauce and asked "isn't there any meat?"
Poppy: Well, I have these fearless franks in here--you can have one of those.
X-Man: Yes please.
Poppy: (wrestling with the wrapper) Okay Mr. Hot Dog, let's get you out of there.
X-Man: Mom, don't call it Mr. Hot Dog. I can't eat things that are called Mister.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That made me smile. Thanks.